Registered Massage Therapy – GST included in cost.
Registered Acupuncture – GST included in cost.

Chiropractic is a conservative, natural and holistic form of health care focused on optimizing health and improving the quality of life. Chiropractors specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions with an emphasis on spinal biomechanics. The nervous system, which includes your brain and spinal cord, controls every cell and organ in your body. Chiropractors focus attention on the health of your spine and being properly aligned to restore health and function through manual spinal adjustments, soft tissue treatment, exercise, nutritional assessment and proper implementation of supplements, as well as recommending lifestyle changes. The goal of a chiropractor is to address the root causes of dysfunction and disease, with the goal to restore health and prevent future problems.
Massage Therapy
A methodical and thoughtful treatment of the soft tissues of the body incorporating a variety of traditional swedish and non-swedish massage techniques to enhance circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, increase joint mobility, decrease pain and reduce stress. The rate, rhythm and depth of the treatment and the modalities employed during a session vary according to the individual needs and goals of the client.
Massage therapy helps to detoxify the body, repair and prevent injury, ease aches and pains and increase flexibility and mobility. Further, massage enhances the body’s relaxation response, reducing physical, mental and emotional stress to produce a greater sense of ease and well being.
Deep Tissue Massage Therapy
Deep tissue massage focuses on the breakdown and realignment muscle and connective tissue layers to designed to decrease chronic muscle tension, eliminate pain caused by myofascial trigger points, and breakdown scar tissue and adhesions. Specific techniques such as deep stripping, myofascial trigger point therapy, fascial release and frictions are combined with hydrotherapy protocols to decrease pain, improve flexibility and joint range of motion, increase local circulation and repair tissue.

Acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Acupuncture uses very fine one time use only stainless-steel needles in access points that improve the flow of oxygen nutrients and blood through specific networks of blood vessels to nourish every cell of the body. Acupuncture causes your blood vessels to dilate and increases blood flow to specific areas of the body to relieve pain, improve organ function and speed up healing (that slows with aging). Acupuncture also works by stimulating the nervous system by activating nociceptor, sensory nerves, and proprioceptor fibers that travel from the skin to the spine and into the brain. Acupuncture improves the nerve signals to the brain and helps the brain release substances (hormones and neurotransmitters) like oxytocin, opioids, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, This facilitates feeling happier, sleep better, shutting off the pain signal to alleviate pain, have a feeling of over all well- being and more energy, just to name a few.
Craniosacral Therapy
A gentle treatment method that evaluates and enhances function of the craniosacral system made up of the cranial bones of the skull, the connective tissue membranes and the fluid (cerebrospinal spaces) that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. A very light but specific pressure is applied to release restrictions in the membrane system, to improve cerebrospinal fluid flow and to balance the nervous system. Craniosacral therapy has a profound calming effect that complements the body’s own natural healing processes, bolsters immunity, relieves physical and emotional stress, and aids post traumatic recovery.
Who should receive Chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care is for everyone! Infants and children respond very well to treatments as well as the elderly population and everyone in between. Patients are assessed thoroughly and treatment each person’s unique situation and needs.
Conditions commonly treated:
Chiropractic treatments can help with a variety of health conditions. Below is only a partial list of some of the most common conditions seen.
Disc Problems
Discs are the cartilage pads that separate and cushion the vertebrae that make up your spinal column. They serve as shock absorbers between each of the vertebrae and are constantly subjected to the pull of gravity and the torque from everyday movement. Disc problems can be the result of genetics, the normal “wear and tear” of aging, and injury. Disc function is greatly affected by the alignment of the spine. A subluxation or structural imbalance can force a disc to bulge, protrude, or herniate, which then can result in contact with the nerves and cause pain. Chiropractic adjustments are very effective at treating disc problems.

There are many causes of headaches, including physical trauma, emotional stress, nutritional deficiencies, and chemical toxins. In addition, if your neck and/or back are out of alignment, this can affect nerves, muscles, and even blood flow to your head. Too often, we turn to over-the counter medications to relieve our discomfort. Unfortunately, these only mask the underlying sources of pain.
A combination of chiropractic adjustments and nutritional and lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
A combination of chiropractic adjustments and nutritional and lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
CTS has become one of the most widespread occupational health problems we face today. The syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve just above the wrist. Pressure on this nerve can be caused by an injury or sustained use from common activities like typing, chopping, hammering, or pushing. Symptoms of CTS include wrist pain, numbness, tingling, burning, weakness, and loss of grip strength, in addition to loss of sleep due to discomfort. There are a number of different ways to treat CTS. In most cases, a chiropractic adjustment to the affected area is an extremely effective solution. In some cases, a misalignment in either the back or neck can cause this condition, and chiropractic adjustment of the neck and/or spine can also serve as an effective treatment option.

Whiplash is the common name given to the injury where there is hyperextension (increased backward motion) and hyperflexion (increased forward motion) of the cervical spine (neck). More simply put, the head is dramatically thrust forward and backward. Car accidents and falls can cause whiplash injuries. Symptoms of whiplash include headaches, visual disturbance, reduction of movement in, and stiffness of the neck, shoulders, and arms. These symptoms may or may not be felt immediately. Some people may not experience the symptoms associated with whiplash injuries for several hours, days, and in some cases even months or years following the accident. Even if you are not in pain following a whiplash incident, it is important to receive prompt chiropractic attention, as the structural balance of the neck and spine is important to your health.
Sciatica is caused by sciatic nerve compression. A misconception is that sciatica is a disorder—however, sciatica is really a symptom of a disorder. Sciatic pain is described as either dull or achy or sharp/toothache like, with pins and needles, similar to an electric shock . Other symptoms associated with sciatica include burning, numbness and tingling sensations. Sciatica is also called radiating or referred pain, neuropathy, or neuralgia. Conditions known to cause sciatic nerve pain include lumbar spine subluxations (misaligned vertebral body), herniated or bulging discs(slipped discs), pregnancy and childbirth, tumours, and non-spinal disorders such as diabetes, constipation, or sitting on one’s back pocket wallet.
Repetitive Sprain/Strain injuries
This is a general category which describes ailments arising from repetitive movements or activity that exposes someone to either sustained vibrations or mechanical pressure or awkward positioning of the affected joints/muscles. Commonly seen conditions are: golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis, tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), thoracic outlet syndrome, CTS and De Quervain’s tenoynovitis. A combination of chiropractic adjustments, along with soft tissue treatment and specific postural changes and exercises is effective at treating these types of injuries.